Emmapark 6, 2595 ET Den Haag
Level and progression

Our French courses are aligned with the CECFR, levels, allowing you to get an internationally recognised level. These levels are divided into 2.4 or 6 sub-levels.

French lessons are aligned with the CEFR levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 & C2.


These levels are divided according to the following model: A1 (A1.1, A1.2), A2 (A2.1, A2.2), B1 (B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4, B1.5, B1.6), B2 (B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.4, B2.5, B2.6), C1 (C1.1, C1.2, C1.3, C1.4, C1.5, C1.6).

Each sub-level corresponds to units selected in our methods, thus new topics are approached, in which rules of grammar and lexicon will be studied.


This division ensures you a measured and efficient progression.

C1 – Proficient level
You will be able to establish an easy and spontaneous communication. You will have a wide lexical field and you will be able to choose the appropriate expression to present your ideas. You will produce a clear, well-constructed and unhesitating speech that will demonstrate the controlled use of the structures. Level C1 is divided into 6 different courses.
B2 – Advanced Level
At the end of level B2, you will have gained a level of independence allowing you to argue to defend your opinion, develop a point of view and negotiate. You will be comfortable in the social discourse and will be able to correct your mistakes yourself. Level B2 is divided into 6 levels.
B1 – Threshold level
You will become independent. You will be able to continue an interaction: you will be able to understand and participate actively in a discussion, give your opinion. You will be able to cope in unforeseen situations of everyday life. Level B1 is divided into 6 levels.
A2 – Survival level
You will be able to perform simple tasks of everyday life. You will be able to use the most common forms of politeness and exchange to express yourself on its simple topics. Level A2 is divided into 4 levels.
A1 – Discovery level
This is the most basic level of language use. You will be able to perform simple interactions: you will be able to talk about yourself and your immediate environment. Level A1 is divided into 2 levels.
Test your level
Do the placement test to know your French level and choose the class that suits you.
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